To receive a call, due to all the robo/spam calls: On the phone that you entered please add our partner direct number 615-290-7611 to your contact list to make sure our call gets through. WE DO NOT SHARE YOUR NUMBER OR SPAM CALL. For faster response text us with your name and best time to contact you.



$250.00 one time

Level E Subscription

What is Included?

Up to 50% Discount on EVERYTHING!

This is the best CPN, Trade Line & Credit Repair opportunity in the industry, giving you the best value for your money.
For Getting Started Today You Will Receive 3 FREE CPN/SCNs
(Get your free CPNs immediately after purchase)

This opportunity gives you the ability to market and receive commissions on:
CPN/SCN (s) for only $50 each
Suggested Retail $200-$250 Depending On Area
One Profile with Public Record Building eBook and a Credit Building eBook. This file will also be Trimerged, Skip Traced, Scanned and Validated with a username & password to the Credit Monitoring Service.
CPN/SCN Trade Line Package (s) (Up to 50% Discount)
Trade Line (s) (Up to 50% Discount)
$25 monthly residuals from your credit repair clients
2-4% commission from your Personal & or Business funding clients
$1,000 commission from your Business Credit clients
A list of the best credit cards to apply for to help your CPN/SCN's
Lots of financial and informational DIY E-Books & PDF's
Your own custom website
Your own Credit Partner Portal
One-on-One Coaching & much much more!

Please know you will be in business for yourself but not by yourself, we have a full support team available anytime via phone or text at 615-821-3995

This is a real honest six figure business opportunity that will work for you if you are willing to invest in yourself and put in the effort.

$250 Setup Fee and $249/month



After Clicking Continue you will be redirected to Dolphin Books and More. Click 'Add to Cart' and then 'Proceed to Payment' for Dolphin Website Package: Level E and this includes all CPN partner services above. By registering on dolphinbooksandmore.com you will be able to log in at both dolphinbooksandmore.com AND cpnpartners.com to access the Partner Only backend, submit CPN applications, request credit repair and more IMMEDIATELY after payment.
Dolphin Books and More is a subsidiary of CPN Partners

Partner Portal Back-End Menu
Partner eBook University
Partner Training & Ad Samples
Partner Wholesale Pricing
(Level Specific)
Full Partner receives a fully featured custom site with proven content already waiting to completely inform and win over your potential new clients. The website load and page speed is extremely fast, always available and optimized for mobile devices and tablets. Each site includes hosting, support, advanced security, a 100MB email account, and over 20 pre-made pages; Home, About, CPN/SCN, Tradeline/AUs, Funding, Credit Repair, SBLCs, Gold, multiple FAQ pages, Legality of CPNs, Terms, Privacy, Disclaimer, and more.

You will be able to choose from website themes below:
Available Styles: Gold, Blue, Silver, Green, Purple

Available Styles: Clear, Jade, Silver, Peach

Available Styles: Mountains, Waterfalls, Ocean Pier, Boardwalk, Beach


Partners must be serious and they must vet and/or qualify all the clients they refer.

If any partner and/or their client does a chargeback before contacting our partner support team. We will burn/destroy any and all CPN files as well as report bad/negative information on their SSN credit profiles.

Our support team will be available to assist with any questions and or concerns between the hours of 9AM-8PM CST. Monday-Saturday at 800-304-0484.

Candidates must be able to follow instructions, must be motivated, must be a self starter, detail oriented and have an entrepreneur mindset.

As long as they pay the monthly fee each month on the first of each month, they will remain active and continue to receive VIP access. If their monthly payment is declined or not received before the 5th or the month. The partners VIP Access will be blocked/suspended. If the partner makes the monthly payment plus a $25 reactivation fee before the 10th of the month, their access will be reinstated. If the partner does not make the monthly payment plus the $25 reactivation fee before the 10th of the month. Their account will go in to default status.

If the account is in default status for more then 30 days, the account will be terminated and their clients will be serviced by the Credit Partner Team Staff so their credit repair services will be completed.

Don't miss out, slots are limited.
After Clicking Continue you will be redirected to Dolphin Books and More. Click 'Add to Cart' and then 'Proceed to Payment'. By registering on dolphinbooksandmore.com you will be able to log in at both dolphinbooksandmore.com AND cpnpartners.com to access the Partner Only backend, submit CPN applications, request credit repair and more IMMEDIATELY after payment.

Dolphin Books and More is a subsidiary of CPN Partners.
It is where you pay to become a partner with CPN Partners

Pay With Card - No PayPal Account Required