Turo is the largest, fastest growing car-sharing company in the United States. Often described as the Airbnb of cars, Turo appears poised to ring in a whole new generation of entrepreneurs through its platform.
Do you wish someone would have showed you how to make money with Airbnb ten years ago? Don't make the same mistake twice. Get educated about Turo and move forward from a position of strength.
What do you get in the Turo Package?
▹ 1 CPN/SCN numberr
▹ E-Book w/complete instructions for Building a CPN identity & public record
▹ Safe scanned and checked through the social security validator
▹ Tri-merged
▹ 1 Small Authorized User Tradeline
▹ 2 Large Authorized User Tradeline
▹ Good For Renting High End Apt/Homes, Credit Cards and Auto